Saturday, March 06, 2010

Monday? Sunday? Saturday?

When I woke up this morning I was 100 % sure that it was Monday. Then after a few moments in panic when realizing Max was still in bed too (he has an exam Monday morning) I calmed down enough to hear that the radio show was the weekend edition. "So, it's only Sunday, then." I honestly believed that for an hour or so, then I turned on my computer and saw that it says Saturday next to the clock. Surprise, surprise! I still don't know why I was so wrong about the days..

I probably said it before, but I say it again; I LOVE Notting Hill. It's on TV tonight and I hope I can watch it!

1 comment:

holly said...

That hasn't happened to me for a LONG time. It's like you got a little present...a whole weekend for free! You probably enjoyed it even more.
And I love Notting Hill, too. Any movie with Hugh Grant is my favorite!