Monday, September 21, 2009

Poor Man's Minestrone

This is a recipie I retrieved from an online friend once. I haven't tried it out for myself yet, but it looks good enough to publish here! (Holly, perhaps something else to do with all the zucchini?)

Time for another recipe. I made this last night and it ended up being really good - and simple - and CHEAP hehehe. I know some of you are students, and/or sometimes low on funds (like myself) so for anytime you need to stretch a few dollars to last you a bit, this is a good idea.

*1 large can diced tomatoes (if you can get the kind with italian herbs added, that's a plus)
*1 can low-sodium chicken stock
*1 can light kidney beans (drained)
*1 can carrots (drained)
*1 can cut green beans (drained)
*1 can white corn (drained)
*1 can peas (drained) or 1 cup frozen peas
*Optional add-ins: okra is good in this, and also you could slice fresh zucchini and put that in as well.
*Garlic salt, pepper, parsley, basil, rosemary, and thyme to taste.

In a large pot, add all of the canned ingredients and bring to a boil. If soup seems too thick, add a cup to a cup and a half of water to give more broth (I usually do). Then add spices to taste. Ladle out into individual serving-sized tupperware and freeze. Out of a single batch of soup, I usually get 8 servings, which are very filling. All you have to do is microwave them for about 6 minutes and you are good to go. If you want, add a slice of double fiber whole wheat toast to the equation. Yum!


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